
Fashion with a Purpose

In this post on the Comms Women platform, Emily Emerick, a student at the University of Alabama, College of Communication and Information Sciences, analyses an article by Dourado, Llover, and Fernández on communicating sustainability in fashion, published in Corporate Communications: An International Journal published by Emerald. As the fashion industry is taken by storm by…

Wartime Fashion

In a new blog post on the CommsWomen platform, Emma Tanner, a student at the University of Alabama, College of Communication and Information Sciences, analyses an article on Wartime and Fashion by  Daria Yu. Ermilova and colleagues. During today’s fast-paced fashion industry, it’s crucial to reflect on how historical contexts, such as World War II,…

Fashion and Celebrities

In a new blog post on the CommsWomen platform, Emma Tanner, a student at the University of Alabama, College of Communication and Information Sciences, analyses an article on the public fashioning of celebrities by Jo Littler published by Taylor and Francis. In the realm of celebrity culture, the intersection of fame and philanthropy has evolved…

Fashion and Class

In a new blog post on the CommsWomen platform, Emma Tanner, a student at the University of Alabama, College of Communication and Information Sciences, analyses an article by Georg Simmel on fashion. In an insightful article published in The American Journal of Sociology, sociologist Georg Simmel delves into the intricate dynamics of fashion, providing a…

Costume History and Fashion Theory

In a new blog post on the CommsWomen platform, Sasha Hull, a student at the University of Alabama, College of Communication and Information Sciences, analyses an article on costume history and fashion theory by Jennifer Harris, published by Bulletin of the John Rylands Library “Costume History and Fashion Theory: Never the Twain Shall Meet?” by…

Hats, Fashion and Identity

In a new blog post on the CommsWomen platform, Jamie Ryan, a student at the University of Alabama, College of Communication and Information Sciences, analyses an article on fashion and history by Svenja Bethke and Nathalie Keigel, published by the International Journal of Fashion Studies.  In 1989, my twelve-year-old self decided on hats. A sequined…