
Fashion and Class

In a new blog post on the CommsWomen platform, Palmer Hayes, a student at the University of Alabama, College of Communication and Information Sciences, analyses an article by Herbert Blumer on fashion and class published by the Sociological Quarterly. From the traditional idea of fashion as a tool for class distinction to a more nuanced…

Global sweatshops: The History and future of North-South Solidarity Campaigns in Bangladesh and Beyond by John Trumpbour

In a new blog post on the CommsWomen platform, Maryanna Mays, a student at the University of Alabama, College of Communication and Information Sciences, analyses an article on global sweatshops by John Trumpbour published by Labor History.             John Trumpbour wrote an excellent review article analyzing the literature on global sweatshops. He identified two significant…

The Controversy of Being On Top

In a new blog post on the CommsWomen platform, Sasha Hull, a student at the University of Alabama, College of Communication and Information Sciences, analyses an article on fashion brand campaigns by Alexandra Cruchinho,  Rodrigo Peixoto, José Carlos Neves,  Ana Sofia Marcelo, Selma Pereira, and Carlos Gil published in Clothing Cultures journal by Intellect. In…