

In solidarity, forever!

Comms Women Initiative Promoting and Celebrating Works by and about Comms Women

*These literature lists are to support researchers in doing research into Comms women by providing one place to collect all literature to encourage other scholars to do this research and help young scholars conduct literature reviews and/or re-interpreting already existing literature research studies. Practitioners who are interested in research will be supported via our blog which will also feature research summaries and commentaries.

The literature was selected by using Mendeley plus adding some literature I knew about.

*Please note this initiative is a one-woman show and I am still working on updating the literature. If you have published something not listed below, please send a reference to and I will add it to the list.




Lawston, J. M., & Lucas, A. E. (2023). Razor Wire Women: Prisoners, Activists, Scholars, and Artists. State University of New York Press.

Phiri, M. M. (2023). Gender-Based Violence and Digital Media in South Africa. Routledge.

Sinalo, C. W., & Mandolini, N. (2023). Representing Gender-Based Violence: Global Perspectives. Palgrave Macmillan.

Topić, M. (2023). Workplace Culture in Mass Communication Industries. London: Routledge.


Buiten, D. (2022). Familicide, gender and the media: Gendering familicide, interrogating news. Springer Nature.


Ebrahim, Z. (2021). Missing in Action: Experiences of women with climate journalism. Oxfam.

Egginton, H., & Thomas, Z. (2021). Precarious Professionals: Gender, Identities and Social Change in Modern Britain (p. 362). University of London Press.

Mitchell, K. (2021). Gender, Writing, Spectatorships: Evenings at the Theatre, Opera, and Silent Screen in Late Nineteenth-Century Italy and Beyond. Routledge.


Djerf-Pierre, M., & Edström, M. (2020). Comparing gender and media equality across the globe. A cross-national study of the qualities, causes, and consequences of gender equality in and through the news media. Göteborg: Nordicom.

English, P. (2020). Australian Sports Journalism. Routledge.

Jamil, S., Çoban, B., Ataman, B., & Appiah-Adjei, G. (2020). Handbook of Research on Discrimination, Gender Disparity, and Safety Risks in Journalism. IGI Global.

Norton, B. T., & Gheith, J. M. (Eds.). (2020). An Improper Profession: Women, Gender, and Journalism in Late Imperial Russia. Duke University Press.

Vuyst, S. D. (2020). Hacking Gender and Technology in Journalism. Routledge.


Cassidy, W. P. (2019). Sports journalism and women athletes: Coverage of coming out stories. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Hepler, J. B. (2019). Women in Game Development: Breaking the Glass Level-Cap. CRC Press.


Shaban, A. (2018). Lives of Muslims in India: Politics, Exclusion and Violence: Second Edition. Routledge.

Voss, K. W. (2018). Re-Evaluating Women’s Page Journalism in the Post-World War II Era: Celebrating Soft News. Springer.


Easley, A. (2017). First-person anonymous: Women writers and Victorian print media, 1830-1870. In First-Person Anonymous: Women Writers and Victorian Print Media, 1830-1870.

Harris, B. (2017). Famine and fashion: Needlewomen in the nineteenth century. In Famine and Fashion: Needlewomen in the Nineteenth Century.

Leonard, M. (2017). Gender in the music industry: Rock, discourse and girl power. In Gender in the Music Industry: Rock, Discourse and Girl Power.

Ross, K. (2017). Gender, politics, news: A game of three sides. John Wiley & Sons.

Sharp, I., & Stibbe, M. (2017). Women activists between war and peace: Europe, 1918-1923. Bloomsbury Publishing.


Barnett, B. (2016). Motherhood in the Media: Infanticide, Journalism, and the Digital Age. Routledge.

Byerly, C. M. (2016). The Palgrave International Handbook of Women and Journalism. Palgrave Macmillan.

Kortsch, C. B. (2016). Dress Culture in Late Victorian Women’s Fiction: Literacy, Textiles, and Activism. Routledge.

Rooks, N., Pass, V. R., & Weekley, A. K. (2016). Women’s Magazines in Print and New Media. Routledge.


Rakow, L. F. (2015). Women Making Meaning: New Feminist Directions in Communication. Routledge.

Ramírez, C. D. (2015). Occupying Our Space: The Mestiza Rhetorics of Mexican Women Journalists and Activists, 1875–1942. University of Arizona Press.

Sanders, J. (2015). How racism and sexism killed traditional media: why the future of journalism depends on women and people of color. Bloomsbury Publishing USA.

Schultz, B., & Arke, E. (2015). Sports Media: Reporting, Producing, and Planning. Routledge.

Smith, V. (2015). Outsiders still: Why women journalists love-and leave-their newspaper careers. University of Toronto Press.


Edelstein, S. (2014). Between the Novel and the News: The Emergence of American Women’s Writing. University of Virginia Press.

Mitchell, K. (2014). Italian Women Writers: Gender and Everyday Life in Fiction and Journalism, 1870-1910. University of Toronto Press.

Raicheva-Stover, M., & Ibroscheva, E. (Eds.). (2014). Women in politics and media: Perspectives from nations in transition. Bloomsbury Publishing.


Alidou, O. (2013). Muslim women in postcolonial Kenya: Leadership, representation, and social change. University of Wisconsin Pres.

Curtis-Wendlandt, L., Gibbard, P., & Green, K. (2013). Political Ideas of Enlightenment Women: Virtue and Citizenship. Routledge.

Joannou, M. (Ed.). (2013). The History of British Women’s Writing, 1920-1945: Volume Eight. Springer.

Meyers, M. (2013). African American Women in the News: Gender, Race, and Class in Journalism. Routledge.

Oram, A. (2013). Her husband was a woman!: women’s gender-crossing in modern British popular culture. Routledge.

Rush, R. R., Oukrop, C. E., & Creedon, P. J. (Eds.). (2013). Seeking equity for women in journalism and mass communication education: A 30-year update. Taylor & Francis.

Sheeler, K. H., & Anderson, K. V. (2013). Woman president: Confronting postfeminist political culture (Vol. 22). Texas A&M University Press.


Gray, F. (Ed.). (2012). Women in journalism at the fin de siècle: Making a name for herself. Springer.

O’Reilly, J., & Cahn, S. K. (2012). Women and Sports in the United States: A Documentary Reader. Upne.


Charnon-Deutsch, L., & Labanyi, J. (2011). Culture and Gender in Nineteenth-Century Spain. Oxford University Press.


Gerson, C. (2010). Canadian Women in Print, 1750–1918. Wilfrid Laurier Press.


Ahrens, K. (2009). Politics, Gender and Conceptual Metaphors. Springer.


Fiamengo, J., & Fiamengo, J. A. (2008). The Woman’s Page: Journalism and Rhetoric in Early Canada. Univ of Toronto Pr.


Barbas, S. (2005). The first lady of Hollywood: A biography of Louella Parsons. Univ of California Press.


Eichner, C. J. (2004). Surmounting the barricades: women in the Paris Commune. Indiana University Press.

Rush, R. R., Oukrop, C. E., & Creedon, P. J. (Eds.). (2013). Seeking equity for women in journalism and mass communication education: A 30-year update. Taylor & Francis.


Pettus, A. (2003). Between Sacrifice and Desire: National Identity and the Governing of Femininity in Vietnam. Routledge.


Abbassi, J., & Lutjens, S. (Eds.). (2002). Rereading women in Latin America and the Caribbean: The political economy of gender. Rowman & Littlefield.


Sreberny, A., & Zoonen, L. van. (2000). Gender, politics and communication. Creskill NJ: Hampton Press.



Gilger, K., & Knowles, S. (2024). NO LONGER A BOY’S CLUB. In The Routledge Companion to Business Journalism.

Heywood, E. (2024). Radio, Women IDPs, and Women Journalists. In Palgrave Studies in Communication for Social Change: Vol. Part F2005.


Crawford, E. (2023). Journalism as a Profession for Women. In Popular Print Media: 1820-1900.

Dickey, J. (2023). Women in American Journalism. In Susan Glaspell in Context.

Elliott, C. F. (2023). Transatlantic feminism and antislavery activism: Women’s networks, letter writing, and literature in the long nineteenth century. In The Routledge Companion to Literature and Feminism.

Fondren, E., & Roelsgaard, N. T. (2023). War reporting, propaganda, and truth. In The Routledge Companion to American Journalism History.

Lucht, T. (2023). From bloomers to bombshells: Women Journalists as Spectacle. In The Routledge Companion to American Journalism History.

Nyamweda, T. (2023). Gender equality in and through the media in Southern Africa. In The Handbook of Gender, Communication, and Women’s Rights.

Sanders, J. (2023). Conclusion: The Progress of Women and People of Color since Integration in Journalism. In How Racism and Sexism Killed Traditional Media.

Shemberger, M., & Garza, M. M. (2023). Women in business journalism history. In The Routledge Companion to American Journalism History.

Silveirinha, M. J. (2023). Women and the news: Reimagining journalism. In The Handbook of Gender, Communication, and Women’s Rights.

Topić, M. (2023). Women in Journalism. In Workplace Culture in Mass Communication Industries.

Voss, K. (2023). Influencer before the Internet: The Extraordinary Career of Chef, Editor, and Food Entrepreneur Alma Lach. In The Political Relevance of Food Media and Journalism: Beyond Reviews and Recipes.


Bressey, C. (2022). 33. ‘Our Women in Journalism’: African-American Women Journalists and the Circulation of News. In Women, Periodicals and Print Culture in Britain, 1830s-1900s.

Fernández, A. T. T., & Mir, S. F. (2022). Journalism Students’ Conceptions of Gender Violence Against Women in Relationships. In Youth and Development in Cuba.


McKusick, C. (2022). Women, Journalism, and Media. In Routledge Handbook on Women in the Middle East.

Nelson, M., Scovel, S., & Thorpe, H. (2022). “We’re missing that humanity”: A feminist media analysis of laurel hubbard and the Tokyo olympic games. In Justice for Trans Athletes: Challenges and Struggles.

Pain, P. (2022). “SUDDENLY WE WERE THE STORY”: Women Journalists, the #MeToo Movement, & Online Misogyny in India. In Gender Violence, Social Media, and Online Environments: When the Virtual Becomes Real.

Pykett, L. (2022). 8. The Making of a Modern Woman Writer: Rebecca West’s Journalism, 1911-1930. In Journalism, Literature and Modernity.

Turner, M. W. (2022). 4. Hybrid Journalism: Women and the Progressive Fortnightly. In Journalism, Literature and Modernity.


Everbach, T., Nisbett, G. S., & Weiller-Abels, K. (2021). Rebel, Rebel! How Megan Rapinoe’s celebrity activism forges new paths for athletes. In 2019 FIFA Women’s World Cup: Media, Fandom, and Soccer’s Biggest Stage.

Pembecioğlu, N., & Gündüz, U. (2021). The difference between the western reflections of disaster news and orientalist perspectives: Positioning women in the case of Titanic. In Handbook of Research on Contemporary Approaches to Orientalism in Media and Beyond.

Scanlon, G. M. (2011). Gender and Journalism: Pardo Bazán’s Nuevo Teatro Crítico. In Culture and Gender in Nineteenth-Century Spain.

Shattock, J., Wilkes, J., Newey, K., & Sanders, V. (2021). Emily Crawford, Journalism as a Profession for Women. In Literary and Cultural Criticism from the Nineteenth Century.

Steiner, L. (2021). A feminist ethics for journalism. In Handbook of Global Media Ethics.

Thorn, D. (2021). Women and Work in Wartime Britain. In Nice Girls and Rude Girls.


Byerly, C. M., & McGraw, K. A. (2020). Chapter 5. Axes of power: Examining women’s access to leadership positions in the news media. In Comparing Gender and Media Equality Across the Globe: A Cross-National Study of the Qualities, Causes, and Consequences of Gender Equality in and through the News Media.

Callison, C., & Young, M. L. (2020). Startup Life. In Reckoning.

Chambers, D. (2020). The Women’s Pages: Women, Journalism, and Mid‐20th‐Century Mainstream Newspapers. In The International Encyclopedia of Gender, Media, and Communication.

Chambers, D., Steiner, L., & Fleming, C. (2020a). Conclusion: Women, journalism and new media. In Women and Journalism.

Chambers, D., Steiner, L., & Fleming, C. (2020b). Introduction: Women and journalism in the United States and Britain. In Women and Journalism.

Chambers, D., Steiner, L., & Fleming, C. (2020c). “Postmodern journalism” and its implications for women. In Women and Journalism.

Çoban, B., & Ataman, B. (2020). Conclusion: Fostering gender equality and safety in journalism profession. In Handbook of Research on Discrimination, Gender Disparity, and Safety Risks in Journalism.

Djerf-Pierre, M., & Edström, M. (2020). Chapter 2: The GEM-Index: Constructing a unitary measure of gender equality in the news. In Comparing Gender and Media Equality Across the Globe: A Cross-National Study of the Qualities, Causes, and Consequences of Gender Equality in and through the News Media.

Gersamia, M., Toradze, M., & Markariani, L. (2020). The voice of women and challenges of gender equality in Georgian media. In Handbook of Research on Discrimination, Gender Disparity, and Safety Risks in Journalism.

Greenwald, M. S. (2020). Trends: Women in International Journalism. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication.

Hafeez, E., & Zahid, L. (2020). Sexism and gender discrimination in Pakistan’s mainstream news media. In Handbook of Research on Discrimination, Gender Disparity, and Safety Risks in Journalism.

Ibrahim, H. J., & Spikin, B. R. u. (2020). Female journalists and safety challenges in selected media organizations in Kano State, Nigeria. In Handbook of Research on Discrimination, Gender Disparity, and Safety Risks in Journalism.

Keeble, R., & Wheeler, S. (2020). The journalist as philosopher and cultural critic: The case of Angela Carter. In The Journalistic Imagination.

Lövheim, M. (2020). Gender, religion and the press in Scandinavia. In The Routledge Handbook of Religion and Journalism.

Malaviya, R. (2020). Women, Conflict and Conflict Reporting: The Deeply Gendered Discourse on the Rohingya Crisis in the News Websites in India. In Citizenship, Nationalism and Refugeehood of Rohingyas in Southern Asia.

Pype, K. (2020). Religion, gender and news media in Africa. In The Routledge Handbook of Religion and Journalism.

Sackey, R., Asiamah, A. A., & Aboagye, L. A. F. (2020). Newsroom representation and discrimination against female journalists in Ghana. In Handbook of Research on Discrimination, Gender Disparity, and Safety Risks in Journalism.

Vieira-Souza, P., & Louback, A. C. (2020). Shukura: Gratitude, faith and the unlikely relationship between gender, religion and journalism in Brazil. In The Routledge Handbook of Religion and Journalism.

Wagner, A. (2020). Watching the Watchdogs: The News Media’s Role in Canadian Politics. In The Palgrave Handbook of Gender, Sexuality, and Canadian Politics.


Bedi, S. (2019). Sexual Racism. In Private Racism.

Black, R. A. (2019). Common problems of professional women. In Redefining the New Woman, 1920-1963.

Byerly, C. M., & Simon-Roberts, S. (2019). Women, journalism, and labor unions. In Journalism, Gender and Power.

Drakulić, S. (2019). How I Became a Witch. In Reporting the Post-Communist Revolution.

Gill, R., & Toms, K. (2019). Trending now: Feminism, sexism, misogyny and postfeminism in British journalism. In Journalism, Gender and Power.

Mellor, N. (2019). The (in)visibility of Arab women in political journalism. In Journalism, Gender and Power.

Usher, N. (2019). Women and technology in the newsroom: Vision or reality from data journalism to the news startup era. In Journalism, Gender and Power.


Breger, L. (2018). Return to Petersburg: Journalism, Women, Gambling. In Dostoevsky.

Everbach, T. (2018). “I Realized It Was About Them… Not Me”: Women Sports Journalists and Harassment. In Mediating Misogyny: Gender, Technology, and Harassment.

Geertsema‐Sligh, M. (2018). Gender Issues in News Coverage. In The International Encyclopedia of Journalism Studies.

Kanigel, R. (2018). Gender Equality in the News Media. In The Diversity Style Guide.

Kilmer, P. D. (2018). Why Women Dared to Make Journalism Their Calling. In After The War.

Mascaro, T. A. (2018). breakthroughs by women in documentary newsfilm production: A case history of nbc’s washington documentary unit, 1961–89. In Rediscovering U.S. Newsfilm: Cinema, Television, and the Archive.

Vickery, J. R., & Everbach, T. (2018). The Persistence of Misogyny: From the Streets, to Our Screens, to the White House. In Mediating Misogyny: Gender, Technology, and Harassment.


Crawford, I. (2017). Harriet Martineau: Women, work and mid-Victorian journalism. In Journalism and the Periodical Press in Nineteenth-Century Britain.


Farhadpour, L. (2016). Women, Gender Roles, Media and Journalism. In Women, Power and Politics in 21st Century Iran.

Jorge, T. D. M., & Adghirni, Z. L. (2016). Brazil: Need for national debate on women in journalism. In The Palgrave International Handbook of Women and Journalism.


Corona, I. (2015). Gendering the public sphere: Literary journalism by women in Mexico and Brazil. In Cultural Transformations of the Public Sphere: Contemporary and Historical Perspectives (Vol. 24).

Ghosh, N. (2015). Combative constructions of femininity in the late twentiethcentury narratives of India. In Routledge Handbook of Contemporary India.


Bruin, M. de. (2014). Gender and Newsrooms cultures. In Media and gender: A scholarly agenda for the global alliance on media and gender.

Creedon, P. (2014a). From Whalebone to Spandex: Women and Sports Journalism in American Magazines, Photography and Broadcasting. In Women, Media and Sport: Challenging Gender Values.

Creedon, P. (2014b). Women in Toyland: A Look at Women in American Newspaper Sports Journalism. In Women, Media and Sport: Challenging Gender Values.

Fogarty, A. (2014). Women and modernism. In The Cambridge Companion to Irish Modernism.

Gallagher, M. (2014). Feminist scholarship and the debates on gender and communication. In Media and gender: A scholarly agenda for the global alliance on media and gender.

Hadjiafxendi, K. (2014). Becoming george eliot: Female authorship in the nineteenth century. In A Companion to British Literature.

Kane, M., & Greendorfer, S. (2014). The Media’s Role in Accommodating and Resisting Stereotyped Images of Women in Sport. In Women, Media and Sport: Challenging Gender Values.

Murray, G. (2014). “should women be bus drivers?”: Defending a permanent position for women on the buses in ATV’s regional television news, 1963-1979. In Women and the Media: Feminism and Femininity in Britain, 1900 to the Present.

Strong, G. (2014). ‘but what about mum?’: Journalist diana rowntree. In Women and the Media: Feminism and Femininity in Britain, 1900 to the Present.


Albers, J. A. H. (2013). The Status of Women in Journalism and Mass Communication Education Administration: No Longer So Lonely. In Seeking Equity for Women in Journalism and Mass Communication Education (pp. 161-179). Routledge.

Barrow, L. C. (2013). The role of minority women in the association for education in journalism and mass communication from 1968 to 2001. In Seeking Equity for Women in Journalism and Mass Communication Education (pp. 51-71). Routledge.

Bulkeley, C. C. (2013). Whose news? Progress and status of women in newspapers (mostly) and television news. Seeking equity for women in journalism and mass communication education, 183-204.

Jorge, T. M. de, & Adghirni, Z. L. (2013). Brazil: Need for National Debate on Women in Journalism. In The Palgrave International Handbook of Women and Journalism.

McAdams, K. C., Beasley, M. H., & Zandberg, I. (2013). Women graduates (and men too) express reservations about journalism education. In Seeking Equity for Women in Journalism and Mass Communication Education (pp. 315-330). Routledge.

Ross, K. (2013). Gender and media: A very short herstory. In The Handbook of Communication History.

Smith, J. (2013). Occupying pews, missing in news: Women, religion and journalism. In Media, Religion and Gender: Key Issues and New Challenges.

Whiteside, E., & Hardin, M. (2013). The glass ceiling and beyond: Tracing the explanations for women’s lack of power in sports journalism. In Routledge Handbook of Sport Communication.


Bruin, M. de. (2012). Gender and Journalism. In The International Encyclopedia of Communication.

Conboy, M. (2012). Women as Consumers and Producers of Journalism. In Journalism in Britain: A Historical Introduction.

Dillane, F. (2012). ‘A fair field and no favour’: Hulda Friederichs, the Interview, and the New Woman. In Palgrave Studies in Nineteenth-Century Writing and Culture.

Doughty, T. (2012). Representing the Professional Woman: The Celebrity Interviewing of Sarah Tooley. In Palgrave Studies in Nineteenth-Century Writing and Culture.

Farhadpour, L. (2012). Women, gender roles, media and journalism. In Women, Power and Politics in 21st Century Iran.

Hamilton, S. (2012). ‘Her usual daring style’: Feminist New Journalism, Pioneering Women, and Traces of Frances Power Cobbe. In Palgrave Studies in Nineteenth-Century Writing and Culture.

Sterling, C. (2012). Women in Journalism. In Encyclopedia of Journalism.

Tusan, M. (2012). Humanitarian Journalism: The Career of Lady Isabella Somerset. In Palgrave Studies in Nineteenth-Century Writing and Culture.


Wei, W. (2011). Representations of nineteenth-century Chinese prostitutes and Chinese sexuality in the American West. In Enduring Legacies: Ethnic Histories and Cultures of Colorado (Vol. 9781607320517).

Wells, J. D. (2011a). Postwar Women and Professional Journalism. In Women Writers and Journalists in the Nineteenth-Century South.

Wells, J. D. (2011b). Women???s Press Associations and Professional Journalism. In Women Writers and Journalists in the Nineteenth-Century South.


Beetham, M. (2010). The new woman and the new journalism. In A Magazine of Her Own?

Hall, J. (2010). Women as leaders in broadcast tv news and print journalism. In Gender and Women’s Leadership: A Reference Handbook.

Hamilton, S. (2010). Women’s voices and public debate. In The Cambridge Companion to English Literature, 1830-1914.

Martinez, A. C., Becares, A. M., & Lavery, S. C. (2010). “You don’t got it”: Becoming a journalist in gilmore girls. In Screwball Television: Critical Perspectives on Gilmore Girls.

Tasker, Y. (2010). Vision and visibility: Women filmmakers, contemporary authorship, and feminist film studies. In Reclaiming the Archive: Feminism and Film History.


Joseph, A. (2008). Working, Watching, and Waiting: Women and Issues of Access, Employment, and Decision-Making in the Media in India. In Women and Media: International Perspectives.

Kitzinger, J. (2008). Media Coverage of Sexual Violence Against Women and Children. In Women and Media: International Perspectives.


Nicholson, J. O. (2007). Women in newspaper journalism (Since the 1990s). In Women in Mass Communication, Third Edition.

Stern, S. T. (2007). Increased legitimacy, fewer women?: Analyzing editorial leadership and gender in online journalism. In Women in Mass Communication, Third Edition.


Creedon, P. J. (1998). Women, sport, and media institutions: Issues in sports journalism and marketing. In MediaSport (pp. 88-99). Routledge.


Allen, D., Rush, R. R., & Kaufman, S. J. (1996). Women transforming communications: Global intersections. In Women transforming communications: Global intersections.



Ordóñez, K., Punín, M. I., & Suing, A. (2024). Cybersecurity and Journalism: Digital Violence is Another Form of Violence for Female Journalists in Ecuador. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, 375.


Lassche, A., Ros, R., & Veerbeek, J. (2023). (De)constructing Binarism in Journalism: Automatic Antonym Detection in Dutch Newspaper Articles. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 3558.


Astuty, S., Yuwanto, Y., Alfirdaus, L. K., & Akhmad, B. A. (2022). Journalism Politics and Women’s Issues: Portraits of Reporting Women during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Local Media South Kalimantan.

Fernández-Rovira, C., & Giraldo-Luque, S. (2022). The Tone in Media Coverage of Women Politicians. Comparative Analysis of the Polarity of Journalistic Texts in Spain, France and the United Kingdom. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, 259 SIST.

Witzenberger, B., & Pfeffer, J. (2022). Gender dynamics of German journalists on Twitter. Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, ASONAM 2022.


Yusriana, A., Sunarto, S., Hasfi, N., & Rimban, L. (2021). The Gender Equality Perception Among the Female Journalists.


Davies, M. P. (2011). “Viet Nam wird zur hure gemacht”: Women, victimhood and the Vietnam conflict in west German writing. German Life and Letters, 64(1).



Aljuaid, D. K. (2020). Media in Saudi Arabia: The Challenge for Female Journalists [PhD Thesis]. In University of Bedfordshire.


Rekno, S. (2012). MEMBACA PENGAKUAN PEREMPUAN DI MEDIA MASSA (Analisis Semiotika Terhadap Feature Rubrik Curahan Hati di Tabloid Cempaka) [PhD Thesis]. In Eprints Universitas Diponegoro.


Stewart, C. (2011). We Can Grow It: Reporting on Women in Agriculture in India, Belize and the U.S. In Honors College Capstone Experience/Thesis Projects.



Confronting gender bias in Nature’s journalism. (2021). In Nature (Vol. 594, Issue 7864).


Andi, S., Selva, M., & Nielsen, R. K. (2020). Women and leadership news media 2020 evidence ten markets. University of Oxford.


Katsarova, I. (2019). Gender equality in sport: Getting closer every day. In European Parliamentary Research Service.


Thomas, J. (2018). Women in media: The power and the struggle.


Belasco, J. (2016). Behind From The Start: What Can Be Done To Help Women Receive Prenatal Care | Center for Health Journalism. In Center for Health Journalism.


Alter, C. (2015). Women in Media: 8 Sad Truths From the Women’s Media Center 2015 Report | Time. In Time Magazine.


Smith, S. L., Choueiti, M., & Pieper, K. (2014). Press release: Global film industry perpetuates discrimination against women.

Journalists, I. F. of. (2014). Guidelines for Reporting on Violence Against Women (Part 2). In IFG Guidelines.


Rao, S. (2013). Covering rape: The changing nature of society and Indian journalism. Center for Journalism Ethics blog.

Nguyen, T. H. (2013). The Vietnamese Concept of a Feminine Ideal and the Images of Australian Women in Olga Masters’ Stories. In Gender Forum: An internet platform for gender and women’s studies (Issue 45).



Assmann, K., & Eckert, S. (2024). Are women journalists in leadership changing work conditions and newsroom culture? Journalism, 25(3).

Attrep, K. (2024). Righting jazz history. Popular Music History, 15(2–3).

Baloch, H. ur R., Firdaus, A., Aksar, I. A., Yusop, F. D., Gong, J., & Sharif, H. (2024). Pakistani Women Journalists: Occupational Hazards in Their Intersectionalities of Gender, Culture and Profession. Journalism Practice.

Beckers, K., Dijk, R. E. van, Aelst, P. V., & Swert, K. D. (2024). A Long March Toward Equality: Predicting the Presence of Women in Television News. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 101(2).

Bulut, E., & Can, B. (2024). Networked misogyny beyond the digital: The violent devaluation of women journalists’ labor and bodies in Turkey’s masculine authoritarian regime. Feminist Media Studies, 24(4).

Chen, S. (2024). “I Know It is a Stereotype, but People Love to See It”: Chinese Journalists’ Perceptions of Sexual Violence Victims. Journalism Studies.

Coleman, R., & Lyons, A. (2024). Stereotypes in media representations of boy bands and their fans. Journalism, 25(8).

Figueroa, E. J. (2024). “If I tweeted like that, it’s entirely possible I’d get fired”: Sports journalists discourse of Jemele Hill versus Donald Trump. Feminist Media Studies, 24(4).

Fincher, I. (2024). An Examination of Mainstream Media’s Treatment of Female Guitarists. Journal of Popular Music Studies, 36(1).

Freedman, G., Moutoux, I., Hermans, I., & Green, M. C. (2024). “She made a mean beef stroganoff”: Gendered portrayals of women in STEM in newspaper articles and their effects. Communication Monographs, 91(2).

Guyot, R., Ohl, F., & Schoch, L. (2024). Symbolic power of sports journalists as challenged by external recognition of women’s sports performance. Media, Culture and Society, 46(5).

Hanusch, F., Singh, S., Leonhardt, B., & Panapasa, G. (2024). “You Feel Like You Don’t Have the Freedom to Do Your Work”: Exploring Fijian Women Journalists’ Experiences of Sexual Harassment. Journalism Practice.

Hayek, L., Mayrl, M., & Russmann, U. (2024). Women politicians in Austria: Still not breaking the media ceiling. Communications, 49(1).

He, Y., Yan, Y., & Zhang, G. (2024). Sustaining the “Pink Ghetto”? The identity negotiations of Chinese women journalists in the field of digital journalism. Journal of Gender Studies, 33(1).

John, E., Lee, J. Y., & Park, S. (2024). The value of news: A gender gap in paying for news. Media International Australia, 192(1).

Johnson, R. G., Al-khateeb, S., Forbes, A., & Cupido, K. (2024). Targeted Social Media Harassment: A Comparative Analysis of Toxicity Directed at Men and Women Sports Reporters. Communication and Sport, 12(3).

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